the limits of the observable universe / by Katherine Hajer

Work on Sophie's Universe continues apace. Last week the blanket finally got squared off again (see above), but I didn't get around to blogging.

The return to a square form means that the blanket creation is in its final movements. From here on out, there are several border patterns to construct, and then washing/blocking.

As of this moment, Sophie looks like this:

The blanket is now just over 1.5m across, which means that it's far too big to travel with. It also means that while before I was easily tearing through 2-3 rounds a night, it now takes a couple of nights to finish even one round.

The photo points to another, blogging-related problem. Not only is the blanket already reaching the edges of my (queen-sized) bed, but I can't get a complete photo of it anymore! The one above was taken standing on the very top of a stepladder, knees pressed against the carry handle, knuckles pressed against the ceiling plaster, and still I cut off a bit of one edge. Next time I'll have to clear the library/office and photograph it from the floor. I can't get any natural light in that room — it's the library because it's the only room in the apartment with walls and no windows — but it does have a good set of overhead halogen lights.

I'll still need a stepladder to get it all in, though.

The rounds are now sufficiently big (1.5m x 4 = 6m around!) that I had to cave in and buy some white yarn to make it across the finish line. It's not that I don't have more white odd-balls — I have a lot — but they're all too small to last through one circumference. I decided to get a 790g super-size skein, not because I'll need that much, but because I didn't want to be stingy and then get caught out. Besides, maybe I can use it with the left-over bits of odd-sized whites to make something else. I have a few candidates already.

Meanwhile, the Toronto summer has hit in full force, with weather advisories all last weekend due to the heat and humidity. The sooner I can get this blanket done, the better!